I can't believe our little girl has been with us for a month now...time really does fly. It is amazing to watch your little ones grow and change, especially in the first few months, because it happens so quickly. I look at little Brooklyn today and she looks quite different then she did just one short month ago.
People always say with your second "you forget"...meaning you don't have the time to record every memory and milestone because you are so crazy busy with two now, and although I am crazy busy (CRAZY), I really want to make it a point to record as often and as much as I can so I don't forget all the precious moments in this sweet girl's life.
So what is she up to at one month old?? Well, she went from sleeping more than I could have ever thought a baby could sleep (the first week and half or so), to finding out that being awake is a lot more fun then sleeping ;). She still seems to require more sleep than Brayden, but she is just as alert when she is awake and it is so fun to watch her examine everything around her...I wonder what she is thinking?!
She is a GOOD eater, like her brother, and eats quite often. I am curious to see how much she has gained at her appointment next week. I wonder if she will be in the 90%tiles like her brother was.
She smiles quite often in her sleep and even sometimes when she is awake, and mommy got one real smile, we have yet to see some more! We cannot wait for that :)!!!!
And she is ALL girl. How do I know this?! Ha, well she is high maintenance and well, aren't all girls, at least the girly ones?!
She recognizes mommy's voice, and loves when we sing to her, hold her, and rock her. She loves her special time with daddy every night...I can't wait to see that bond grow, there is something so special about daddys and daughters.
Her big brother adores her, he often asks to hold her, kiss her or hold her hand...too sweet. I can't wait to see how their friendship blossoms as they get older, being 17 months apart will give them a sweet bond!
This month has been the biggest transition for all of us and we are so grateful for the Lord's constant provision of grace and strength as mommy and daddy have two littles now instead of just one. We are so excited to see how the Lord grows little miss Brooklyn and pray that she would be great in His kingdom.