Thursday, February 25, 2016

A Mommy to THREE

We are 2 1/2 weeks into this new adventure as a family of FIVE and I am grateful to say, that by the grace of God, we are transitioning well. I wasn't sure how the transition from four to five, or from two kids to three would go, especially since the transition from one kid to two rocked our world, but surprisingly, this time around hasn't seemed so chaotic, or crazy, or life altering, or so it seems. It may be the fact that the Lord has matured this mommy's heart (I still have LOTS of growing) in areas that have been stretched and sanctified over the past three years through having kiddos (like being flexible, and realizing you can't control things), or maybe it is the reality that this may be our last "baby" we ever have so I am soaking up all the newborn cuddles...but whatever the case, I am so thankful TO THE LORD, for the grace He has supplied to each of us, and His sustaining strength despite sleepless nights and amidst the crazy.

Both the older kids have taken well to Brandt, especially Brayden. It is so sweet to see him interact with his little brother, love on him, and remind him continually how much he can't wait for him to play with him one day, or telling him how much he loves him. His concern for him is so special to this mommy's heart. Brooklyn loves her "baby Brandt" too, and although the transition has been a little more challenging for her, since she is the one who lost the "baby" title, she is doing SO well at having patience with mommy and baby, and growing in her love and affection for him. I look forward to the day that the three of them will be laughing and playing together, and I pray that their bond would be deep and unbreakable, rooted in a love for Christ. (And pray these two boys would always protect their sister!)

I am humbled that the Lord chose me to be a mommy to these three sweet kiddos, and I am reminded of that each and every day, of what a gift it truly is. They have shaped and taught me more about my need for Jesus than anyone in my entire life, and have made me see His goodness and provision in ways I have never experienced. His faithfulness is displayed in the lives of these three kids, and His love for me is shown to me continually through growing in grace as a mommy. I am thankful for the sanctification the Lord is doing in my life through their little lives. I find myself dreaming about what the future will look like as these kiddos grow up, and quickly stop and remind myself to ENJOY EVERY DAY because in the blink of an eye I know that they are going to be grown, and I am going to miss every sleepless night, midnight cuddle, and "mommy I need you". So for now, despite how tired I might be, or how "hard" some days may seem, I pray my perspective would stay the same, by the grace of God, to take each day as it comes, cherishing these precious little loves.