Oh Brandt (or Brandt-o-bean as your brother and sister so sweetly refer to you as ;)), you are such a love and my goodness, you make mommy want ten more (haha just kidding, but seriously). You have started noticing when mommy isn't in the room, and whenever I come you lock eyes on me and stay focused...I LOVE it, and I love you. You get so excited when I pick you up or come near you, squealing away, kicking those legs, pointing those toes, and flapping your arms around. It melts me every time. I can't believe you are already four months old, and if I could I would stop time now, please grow slowly my sweet baby.
You are such a cuddler, and I LOVE that about you, I hope you never outgrow that, at least not for a long long time. You LOVE to talk, ALL the time. I am not sure if you just like the sound of your own voice or if you are trying to make sure you get just as much attention as your other two siblings, but it is probably the cutest thing in the world listening to you chat away about anything and everything (if only I knew what you were saying). And boy are you strong, you can stand forever, reminds me of your big brother.
This month you have started sleeping LONG stretches at night (8-9 hours) and taking pretty good consistent naps. You are the first one of our kiddos to do this at this young of an age, you are mommy's little champ when it comes to sleeping. Let's hope it lasts!
You are so interested in watching your big brother and sister play, and they of course love you too! You started taking baths with them which is SO cute, and I am pretty sure you love it because you give them some belly laughs when they splash you (why do siblings always get the best laughs?!). I know you cannot wait to join in on all their fun, soon sweet boy.
Tummy time still isn't your favorite thing, but you tolerate it pretty well, and now are moving around on the mat. You LOVE your hands, they are in your mouth pretty much 24/7. You have grabbed your toes a few times too, but they still haven't captured your interest quite yet. You can hold toys and bring them to your mouth too. You love music, books, balls, being outside, water, blowing bubbles, playing patty cake, if you're happy and you know it, and this little piggy.
You are mellow, pretty content most of the time, and quite the observer. You are serious around new faces, but with the ones you know you are all smiles and talk constantly. You are just the sweetest little peanut, and I don't know what we did without you! We love you little boy, so very much...here's to four months, we thank Jesus for you!
This month you have started sleeping LONG stretches at night (8-9 hours) and taking pretty good consistent naps. You are the first one of our kiddos to do this at this young of an age, you are mommy's little champ when it comes to sleeping. Let's hope it lasts!
You are so interested in watching your big brother and sister play, and they of course love you too! You started taking baths with them which is SO cute, and I am pretty sure you love it because you give them some belly laughs when they splash you (why do siblings always get the best laughs?!). I know you cannot wait to join in on all their fun, soon sweet boy.
Tummy time still isn't your favorite thing, but you tolerate it pretty well, and now are moving around on the mat. You LOVE your hands, they are in your mouth pretty much 24/7. You have grabbed your toes a few times too, but they still haven't captured your interest quite yet. You can hold toys and bring them to your mouth too. You love music, books, balls, being outside, water, blowing bubbles, playing patty cake, if you're happy and you know it, and this little piggy.
You are mellow, pretty content most of the time, and quite the observer. You are serious around new faces, but with the ones you know you are all smiles and talk constantly. You are just the sweetest little peanut, and I don't know what we did without you! We love you little boy, so very much...here's to four months, we thank Jesus for you!