Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Brynn-11 Months

Your last month before you are ONE!!!! You are such a doll, we can't get enough of you and we are OH SO thankful to the Lord for your life!

This month has been so fun, you are getting more and more mobile and now walking with your walker. You gotta keep up with your big siblings! You still don't walk much around furniture, but you pull yourself up on everything, and getting into everything you can!

You are a little talker too, just like your big sis. You say uh-oh, mama, dada, duck, papa, wawa, hi, up, eyes, and a lot of undistinguishable jabber ;). Your little voice is just the cutest thing!

You love LOVE LOVE being outside and exploring, and putting everything in your mouth (including bugs :P). You love walks, water/baths, sand, balls, BOOKS, dancing, walking, playing with your siblings, eating, babies and anything with a face, ducks, all animals really, cars (you push and drive them like your brothers), tickles, and your sack.

You have 3 new teeth (2 are just popping through), which makes a total of 7! And you love showing off those teeth with your cheesy chesse smile :).

You get upset when your siblings don't include you in their games, or let you have their toys (immediately), and frustrated when you can't do something quickly (like your big bro).

We cannot believe you are one in a month, each month seems to go by faster, and we wish we could press pause...but we are loving every new stage with you and soaking it all up! We love you baby girl, happy 11 months!!! May you come to love the Lord, and do great things for Him!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Brynn- 10 Months

Here we are again, celebrating another month with our little doll! She is such a gift to our family, brings so much joy with her happy little spirit, and we couldn't imagine life without her!

This was a big month for her. She learned how to climb small steps, how to pull herself up to her knees to get what she wants (she still doesn't love standing, it is lots of work to stand for our big girl), and how to say duck, that, and eyes. She also learned to wave and point, pointing saying "that" often. And she points to baby eyes, and says "eyes", it is the cutest thing ever! She is IN LOVE with her baby dolls.

She loves playing with water, outside, going for walks, drinking water, playing with her siblings, reading books, dancing to music, dolls, and musical instruments. She loves putting everything in her mouth too, just like her biggest brother did.

She babbles, screams, and giggles all the day long.

She is a total mommy's girl, but I don't mind one bit. But she does cuddle with daddy too, which of course, he loves!

Her siblings dote on her all day long, and can't wait for her to run around and play with them.

Oh Brynn Everly, we love you so much! We cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for your life!

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Brynn- 9 Months

 I cannot believe you are 9 months today! You are officially on the move as of two days ago, 8/7/18. You are so excited you can finally move, but you still aren't going crazy yet ;). You pull yourself up onto your knees too, so I am sure it won't be too long before you pull yourself standing!

You got two teeth this month! And they are helping you chow down on food, which you love most of. Your favorites right now are watermelon, pouches, beef, avocado and beans, and nectarines. You also had a bite of mac n cheese and frozen yogurt and loved it!

 You love to chat away, you say mama, dada, wawa and nana. And you laugh all the time, it is this silly fake laugh you do when on facetime or when you look in the mirror at yourself, it is so cute! You love watching your siblings play and can't wait to be playing with them! They bring you so much joy and you do the same for them. You are a total mama's girl, and I am so okay with that!

You love being outside, water, sand, bubbles, food, dolls, musical instruments (esp the piano), balls, legos, and anything you can get your hands on to stick in your mouth.
You are such a joy, a happy baby, so much fun, and we treasure you more than you know! We can't wait to continue seeing your personality develop little lady, and all the plans God has for you unfold! 

Monday, July 9, 2018

Brynn- 8 Months

This little lady is 8 months old today! I cannot believe how fast time is flying, it really does go faster with each kid and each month. Each and every moment with her is such a gift, and since she is our last (Lord-willing), we are soaking her up as much as we can.

This month Brynn has decided that she wants to MOVE, and boy does she! She is rolling every which way, scooting on her bum, pulling herself with her arms, anything to get where she wants to go. She still hasn't figured out how to get herself up on her knees yet, but I am sure it is coming soon. All this wanting to move, and not being able to get where she wants to go as quick as she wants has led to some frustration at times, but most of the time she is still as content as can be.

She is ATTACHED to mommy and makes sure she let's me know whenever she sees me. She has mastered the fake cry, and the pout face, and if she sees mommy in the room, she lights up and then starts to whimper until I acknowledge her and pick her up, I don't mind! I am in love with her too! Oh and she's said mama a few times too, melt my heart. (but dada still is her favorite word)

She loves her siblings, and watches them intently, always wishing I'm sure that she could be doing what they're doing. Brooklyn makes her laugh the most, their bond is so sweet, and I pray the sister bond lasts forever and is as strong as can be. Brayden adores her, and she adores her biggest brother too, and Brandt and her can't wait to play together, I can see it already!

She LOVES her food, and gets so excited with each new thing we introduce. This month we tried eggs, and some chicken and she loved both! She pretty much will eat anything we offer her! Watermelon is her favorite at the moment.

She loves the bath, or any kind of water play (pool, lake etc.). She is mesmerized by bubbles. She loves her toys, being outside, books, walks, being held, tickles, laughing, rolling, and people! She claps, and has waved a few times too.

She still doesn't have a tooth! I am shocked because I am SURE she has been teething for a couple months now, the drool is constant and I can see the teeth they just haven't popped through. She is officially the latest to get a tooth! But that gummy smile is the cutest!

I am excited for this month because I can tell her development is going crazy right now and there is lots of fun milestones coming up!

We love you so much sweet Brynnie girl, you truly are a joy! We pray the Lord uses you greatly for His glory!

Monday, June 11, 2018

Brynn-7 Months

This little lady is growing like a weed! We are enjoying her so much! She has found her scream (voice) and knows just how to get our attention no matter where we are ;)-she has to work hard being number 4.

She loves being outside, going for walks, eating, drinking water out of a straw, playing with her toys, being held, being tickled, her siblings, books, and chatting away. She has started clapping and it is the cutest thing! Not sure if she knows what she is doing but she does it all the time.

She loves her solid food, she is loving brocolli, watermelon, and black beans the most at the moment.

She is no where near crawling but we are totally okay with that! She is content just sitting and hanging out :).

She has two teeth so close to popping through, and is handling that like a champ!

She is attached to mommy, and I sure love it!

Everyone always says she is the happiest baby ever, and it is so true! We are so so thankful for this little cherub! 

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Brynn- 6 Months

Happy half birthday to the sweetest, most loveable, 6 month old there ever was! She is a gem, and has us all wrapped around her little finger (and she knows it too). She is joyful, in the entirety of that word, and it is contagious to everyone she meets. She doesn't make you work hard for those smiles, and she can brighten up a whole room, or a whole airplane (like she did this past month).

This past month has been full of firsts for this little lady. Her first real food (SHE LOVES IT), her first plane ride, and her first real vacation. She traveled excellent! Everyone was impressed :).
She loves bananas, avocado mixed with banana, apple, carrots, pineapple, watermelon, sweet potato, spinach, mangos, asparagus, and papaya. She is not a fan of pears, spinach by itself or avocado by itself. She opens her mouth like a little bird every time we are eating in hopes we might offer her something we are eating, it is so cute...soon enough little bear.

She still loves being outside, taking walks, books, her toys, putting everything in her mouth, playing with her siblings, watching her siblings, sleeping on mommy, sticking her tongue out, music, and being tickled.

She is rolling around like crazy but still has yet to roll from back to tummy, she has been trying to reach futher lately which makes me think maybe she will crawl earlier than her brothers did, and more like her sister in that department, we will see. I am okay with no crawling ;)

She truly is such a gift to us, I say that all the time, but it couldn't be more true. So thankful for her and her life, and we pray the Lord uses her greatly for His glory!

We love you our sweet cherub, can't believe you are six months! Happy half birthday Brynndalynn (one of her many nicknames)!!

Monday, April 9, 2018

Brynn Everly-5 Months

Our little ray of sunshine is 5 months old already! We are enjoying every moment with her, and love watching her grow and learn. She is developing new skills so often lately, and it is so fun to watch!

She can sit up unassited (my favorite baby "trick"-cutest thing ever), is starting to jump in her jumper, and is really starting to "play" with her toys. She talks all day long and screams-she loves that voice of hers plus she has to get her voice in amongst the crazy of 3 big siblings ;). She is laughing too, like real belly laughs, which is the best sound ever! But her most favorite thing to do is put EVERYTHING in her mouth, hands, mommy's hair, clothes, toys, fingers, if it is in her reach, it is going in her mouth! And she wants to eat real food SO badly, she opens her mouth just waiting for us to give her a bite of anything ;).

She is still a champion eater, although she does get more distracted these days-FOMO, and a great sleeper! She makes having a fourth baby easy.

She loves being outside, going for walks, watching her siblings play, being talked to, her jumper, books, music, being tickled, smiling, and her hands.

We are so thankful for this little gem that really brings us more joy than we can explain. She is a gift, and a treasure and we praise God for her life. We can't wait to see all the plans He has for her! Happy 5 months little dolly.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Brynn Everly-4 Months

Sweet little dolly, you are 4 months old! I can't even believe how much you've changed since the first day we met face to face. You are growing like a weed, and becoming more and more fun with each passing day.

You LOVE LOVE LOVE your siblings, especially Brayden (since he gives you the most attention). They often fight over who gets to hold you ;). You adore daddy and mommy too, and love being held. Your favorite things to do are be outside, play with anything you can put into your mouth, listen to music, read books, and have conversations-you love chatting away to anyone who will talk to you.

You have started to laugh at it is music to our ears! We cannot wait for that full on belly laugh.
You are so patient with everyone, and such a happy/content little thing. We couldn't have asked for a better baby to join our family as number 4! You sleep well, and eat great.
 You light up when you hear our voices, and have become aware of familiar faces, so so precious!

You can roll but don't do it often, you'd prefer to sit up or stand, although you tolerate tummy time pretty well.
 You are such a gift to us and we ADORE you! We cannot wait to continue to watch your personality develop and see you become the little girl God has designed you to be!!


Friday, February 9, 2018

Brynn Everly- 3 Months

 You are officially no longer a newborn...what!? I feel like just yesterday we were meeting you for the first time and enjoying those newborn cuddles, and now you are growing up before our eyes.

Sweet girl, you are such a JOY...that really is the best word to describe you. You are SO SO happy, all the time, and smile more than any baby I have ever met. You adore your siblings and talking to them all day long, watching them play, and even letting them brush your hair or hold you. You love your daddy, cuddling with him, and chatting away every night. And you and I are becoming bestie friends as your big sis would say, you light up from the moment you hear my voice and look around until you see me and then light up even more...it is the sweetest thing ever. I never want to forget you at this age, and how precious you are.

You have grown so much. You are sleeping in your own bedroom now, and I think enjoying your own space. You still wake up2x a night (one of those is early morning like 4-6am and the other between 12:30-3), but mommy is enjoying my middle of the night cuddles, I think you like the quiet feeds, and getting me all to yourself. You are napping 4x a day, 3 short ones and usually one longer one, and one of those short ones is on mommy and boy do I cherish that. You eat like a champ, still 7-9x a day.

You LOVE talking, smiling, and being talked to. You do well entertaining yourself in your swing or chair, talking away to the mirror or chewing on your hands. You love your hands right now. You like walks, being outside, and being sung to. We started reading books to you this month and you enjoy that too. You are still in love with taking baths, but hate getting out if it's cold. It has been super warm here the past few weeks, oddly enough in January, so you haven't been too bothered getting out of the bath. You want to laugh so badly, and I can't wait to hear those giggles!

Your little personality is slowly showing its way through and we love getting glimpses of it. You are patient, that is for sure. And we so look forward to seeing more and more of it come out as the months go on.

You are such a gem sweet girl, to cherry on top to our family, and we couldn't love you more. Happy 3 months!!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Brynn Everly- 2 Months

This past month flew by, yet again. The holidays were oh so special having you here sweet girl. Although you will never remember your first Christmas, I sure will, and I will treasure it forever. You are such a gift to us, and we continue to praise Jesus for you! I cannot tell you how complete I feel our family is now that you are here.

This past month you have started talking, and it is the cutest thing EVER! I love hearing your coos, and watching you talk to your siblings, your daddy, and the mirror on your swing. But oh how you love to talk to mama, you are a mommy's girl through and through and I love that! You love watching what is going on everywhere around you-can't blame you with three big siblings to keep you busy. You are very very aware, which makes sleep not your favorite thing in the world, but we are working on it. As long as you are in mommy's arms, you will sleep, and sleep well :).

You are still a great eater, and you have given us a few nights this month of 6 hour stretches of sleep- but usually you are up 2-3x  night. Mommy is cherishing these middle of the night feeds/cuddles as much as I can because I know they won't last long, and you will be grown before I know it.

You smile ALL THE TIME-makes me think you are a very very happy little lady, YAY! The only time you get fussy is in the evenings- but you do well hanging out with daddy on his chest during that time.

Your siblings can't get enough of you. Brayden adores you and is constantly talking to you. Brooklyn loves helping mommy with you, and pushing you in her stroller. And Brandt loves kissing you and hates to hear you cry, he cries with/for you when you do.