Friday, February 9, 2018

Brynn Everly- 3 Months

 You are officially no longer a newborn...what!? I feel like just yesterday we were meeting you for the first time and enjoying those newborn cuddles, and now you are growing up before our eyes.

Sweet girl, you are such a JOY...that really is the best word to describe you. You are SO SO happy, all the time, and smile more than any baby I have ever met. You adore your siblings and talking to them all day long, watching them play, and even letting them brush your hair or hold you. You love your daddy, cuddling with him, and chatting away every night. And you and I are becoming bestie friends as your big sis would say, you light up from the moment you hear my voice and look around until you see me and then light up even is the sweetest thing ever. I never want to forget you at this age, and how precious you are.

You have grown so much. You are sleeping in your own bedroom now, and I think enjoying your own space. You still wake up2x a night (one of those is early morning like 4-6am and the other between 12:30-3), but mommy is enjoying my middle of the night cuddles, I think you like the quiet feeds, and getting me all to yourself. You are napping 4x a day, 3 short ones and usually one longer one, and one of those short ones is on mommy and boy do I cherish that. You eat like a champ, still 7-9x a day.

You LOVE talking, smiling, and being talked to. You do well entertaining yourself in your swing or chair, talking away to the mirror or chewing on your hands. You love your hands right now. You like walks, being outside, and being sung to. We started reading books to you this month and you enjoy that too. You are still in love with taking baths, but hate getting out if it's cold. It has been super warm here the past few weeks, oddly enough in January, so you haven't been too bothered getting out of the bath. You want to laugh so badly, and I can't wait to hear those giggles!

Your little personality is slowly showing its way through and we love getting glimpses of it. You are patient, that is for sure. And we so look forward to seeing more and more of it come out as the months go on.

You are such a gem sweet girl, to cherry on top to our family, and we couldn't love you more. Happy 3 months!!