Our little peanut isn't so little anymore! Can someone please press the PAUSE button!
It seems like Brayden is growing and changing every single day! He is learning new things, talking up a storm, and reminds us quite often, sometimes in the middle of the night, that he misses us!
He is officially sitting up (well he has been for a couple weeks now) and loves it, although standing seems to still be his favorite. He loves to sit up next to us while we lay on the floor so he is more at eye level with us, after all, it is no fun to sit up and not see mommy and daddy's face right in front of you! It is pretty darn adorable to see him sitting up, but it makes him look SO big! He is growing up too fast!
Tummy time is getting more and more fun for this kiddo, he so badly wants to move though and will kick his little legs and wiggles from left to right. One day, but for now, mommy likes that he isn't moving around quite yet!
He is still a cuddle bug and I love it! He gives the best hugs and kisses!
Oh and his feet...he loves his feet! Who thought feet could be so entertaining?!
He has gotten much better at sleeping, but he is still learning. Sleeping is tough for a 5 month old, especially when it means you're all alone and don't get to play or eat or be with your mommy and daddy when you want to. When he does sleep, he loves it, and wakes up so happy when he gets the right amount. If only we could get him to understand that sleep is his friend...one day, let's hope it is in the near future. But in all fairness, he really is doing much better, sleeeping 10-12 hours every night, and eating only once in the early morning, and many nights not even waking up before that! And his naps are starting to get better too! Yay Brayden, keep up the good work kiddo!
He loves music. He plays his little piano (so adorable) and loves watching mommy play it too. He especially loves kid's worship songs with motions, his favorite is "I May Never March in the Infantry".
We read a story before each nap time, and a Bible story before bed time...he really does like books, and can turn the pages...but they look very appetizing most of the time and up in his mouth before the story is finished ;).
He is starting to laugh more which is so much fun! His laugh is to die for. Only mommy and daddy have had the privilege of earning these laughs though. Peek-a-boo, tickles, funny faces, and mommy's laugh are just some of the things that just might get a giggle.
He is SO serious when he is out in public or when someone comes to visit (at least for a while until he warms up to them). He just watches people and observes their every move, taking in everything that is going on around him. Such an observer.
We just started solid food with this little man, and boy does he LOVE it. We did not plan on starting this early, but for about a month now he has been very interested in our food, trying to grab our spoons, and since he can sit up on his own, we thought it was about time to add a little fruits and veggies to his diet. So far he has tried apples, bananas, and sweet potatoes...all a success! He opens his mouth like a little bird, leaning forward and impatiently grabs the spoon if he isn't being fed fast enough (haha). He says "mmm" sometimes, too funny!
Brayden is such a joy to have in our lives, and we really feel more and more blessed everyday with him around. We pray that the Gospel seeds will be watered early on his life, and he will bloom into a Godly young man at a young age.
We love you big boy, with our whole hearts!!
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