Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Faithful in the Little Things

A few months before Keith and I got married, our Pastor, Philip DeCourcy, welcomed us into his home and shared a verse, along with some wisdom, that I will never forget:

"Catch the foxes--the little foxes that spoil the vines, for our vines have tender grapes!"
- Song of Solomon 2:15

As he encouraged us to watch the little things in our life that evening, I was challenged in new ways.  I recognized that it was often the little things in life that get neglected (both good and bad), and those little things are the stepping stones that lead to the big things.

Most of us will rarely be faced with BIG things, our life is made up of little things, the day to day.  And it is those little things that are MOST important.  It is in the little things that we are called to be faithful.  The little things lay the foundations for great kingdom work and the little things can also lay the foundation for heinous sin.  Just as the old saying goes, "Rome wasn't built in a day", so it is in the Christian life; sanctification doesn't happen in a day and neither does a great fall.

As a mom, I have been learning more than ever that LITTLE things matter. I am not going to see fruit every single day, in fact I may not see the fruit of my labor for years, BUT, I am called to be faithful, and that I must be, every. single. day., in the big things, and in the small (which is most of our realities).  I pray for that faithful heart, and trust the Lord to continue to work.

"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much." -Luke 16:10


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