Sunday, October 20, 2013

9 Months Down!

Our little pumpkin, although not so little anymore, is now 9 months old! And boy is he fun!

We thought B would crawl early because he sat unassisted before his 5 month birthday, and could bear his weight on his legs from a couple weeks old, but weeks passed and nothing. For the past two months however, he has been attempting to maneuver himself around ("crawl")...he's rolled himself everywhere, scooted backwards and even figured out how to get up on those knees, but the whole idea of crawling just didn't click for this little man until this month when he finally started "crawling" (army crawling that is), yay little Brayden.  It still isn't his most favorite thing in the world, he'd rather be standing or picked up, but if he wants something, or to get to one of us without waiting patiently (patience isn't his virtue;)), he will just muscle his way over.  It's hard not to laugh at him when he does this because he looks quite silly, but we are so proud of him! I'm sure once his legs can figure out how to bear all the weigh without help he will be walking, it seems much more fun to him ;).

He has started pulling himself up as well, but pulling 22+lbs up is tough work.  He can stand well on his own holding onto things for quite some time and gets so excited when we hold his hands and let him "walk".

He talks, smiles and laughs all the time---these moments brighten our days!

At the beginning of this month he got 5 teeth and has 8 teeth now, let's hope he is done teething for a while, poor little man.  But that toothy grin is sure cute!  And when we say "cheese", he loves to show off those pearly whites.

He loves giving hi-5's!

He is still in the 90th percentile for both weight and height. Big little man!

His favorite foods are yogurt, bananas, happy green puffs, and grapes. He has a sweet tooth like his mama.

He says "dada" all the time, "mama" when he wants something or needs me, he has said "papa", "nana", "baba", a version of "hi", what sounds like "yes", and mimics "ssss" (for "Shhh"). He doesn't know what he is saying of course, but it is fun to hear those words!

He loves BALLS and playing catch, knocking over blocks, reading books, phones, computers, Sesame Street's ABC song, walks, and being outside.

He is at such a fun age and we are so blessed by his kisses, hugs, waves, giggles, smiles, and love.  Little B, you are such a joy! We love our family of 3!  Happy 9 months kiddo!

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