Wednesday, November 20, 2013

10 Months!

We officially have a little man in our home!  It is crazy how much has changed in the last month.  Brayden has went from crawling to crawling and pulling himself up on everything, pushing toys and walking, and taking steps with the help of mommy and daddy.  I look at him and am amazed how
 it was only 10 months ago that we brought him home from the hospital...they grow way. too. fast.

Brayden is still quite the inquisitive one.  He is an observer; whether we are outside, in a new place, or even at home, his curiosity is evident in everything he does, says, and the facial expressions he makes.  And now that he can explore on his own, it is even more fun to watch him learn.

He loves to chat, all day long.  Other than mama, dada, and hi, he started saying "ball" this month which is about the cutest thing in the world.  He LOVES balls.  He likes to play catch, does a pretty good job throwing it himself, and gets so excited when he sees one.  He definitely takes after his daddy in that area...although daddy is hoping his love for balls will become a love for the baseball ;).

When he claps sometimes he will say "yay" as if he is cheering for himself, so precious.  Getting a wave out of him now-a-days is rare, but when he decides he wants to wave goodbye he will...little stinker, they never do things when you want them to ;).

This last month was a busy one with lots of family time, outings, and his dedication at church.  It was such a blessing to be able to stand before the Lord, and our church family and commit to raising Brayden in the fear and admonition of the Lord.  We are so blessed to have a church family that loves and prays for this little boy already.

He loves other kids, especially babies, he gets so excited when he sees a little one :). And he loves dogs.  Books, jumping in his jumper, and music make the top of this kids list.

He still is a great eater (which shows in his percentiles for both height and weight, he is still in the 90th%!) and now that he is eating a lot more "normal" food, he is loving life haha.  We have let him try a lot of new things this month and I'm sure he is wondering where these flavors have been all his life. Fruit, yogurt, and cheese are some of his favorites.

His favorite place is still outside, he could stay out there all day long.  He  just figured out how to move himself on his little riding toy outside...too cute! And playing in the sand at the park seems to be a new favorite too.

We are so thankful for the last 10 months we have had the privilege of being his mommy and daddy. We are so excited to continue to watch him grow and develop, but more eager and prayerful to see the Lord work in his life to bring him to himself and use him greatly for His glory!  We love you little B!

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