Tuesday, August 20, 2013

7 Months And Counting...

7 months have come and gone...QUICKLY! I cannot believe how much has changed in the last 7 months, and even more so, how much little B has changed.  He has went from this newborn who didn't make too much noise to a baby with a ton of personality!  It is SO much fun living life with him, for both Keith and I, and every day seems like a new adventure as we get to experience everything he does for the first time.  To say we are blessed to get to be his parents is an understatement.  Thank you Jesus for this precious little man you've entrusted to us, we are forever grateful.

So what is he up to now?  Well, he is moving, not crawling, but he can and does move from left to right and backwards (kicking his legs and moving his arms).  He hasn't quite figured out how to lift his midsection yet.  He still would prefer to just roll over from tummy to back, so I don't know how interested in crawling he is at the moment.  I think he has figured out that we will give him his toys and the same amount of attention whether he is on his tummy or his back, and lets face it, laying down on his back is much easier ;), little stinker.  He will get there, eventually, so until then, we are enjoying not having to worry about him getting into everything.  He does love to stand though, so maybe he will end up bypassing crawling and go straight to walking...lets hope not! ;)

He has his two bottom teeth (they are absolutely adorable), and is working on getting a few of the top.  Teething is NOT FUN for anyone, poor little guy.  In fact he is teething at the moment, hence why getting a good 7 month picture wasn't too easy.  These top ones are causing a lot more pain then the bottom did, that's for sure.  But he is loving experimenting with "chewing", it is so funny to watch him chew and feel out his new teeth.

He still is a great eater, and is enjoying more and more solids.  Textures and tastes don't seem to bother him as he has not rejected anything we've offered. This month we will try some more green veggies so maybe we will get a different reaction?!  He has started picking up 'puffs' and eating those, it is pretty cute to watch him feed himself!

He LOVES his mommy and his daddy so very much.  He lights up when one of us walks in the room. I will leave the room for a minute to grab something and as soon as I come back and he sees me, he gets this bashful smile on his face, it melts my heart, every. single. time.  His smiles and laughs are the highlights of our days.  And he has just started burying his head in our shoulder or our chest as if he is hugging us, it is such a precious moment each time he does it.

He has become more and more aware of "strangers" and isn't as quick to give someone a smile without first checking mommy's face to see how she reacts. 

He still enjoys books, music, and dancing (with mommy and daddy of course). And he loves, loves, LOVES being thrown up in the air and caught.

We spend a good amount of time outside each day on a blanket or taking a walk...these are most definitely his favorite parts of the day.

He has graduated from the ERGO (although he still rides in it occasionally) to the cart at the store and he sure loves sitting like a big boy!

He said "dada" this month, he obviously doesn't know what that means, but Keith was pretty happy :).  He talks quite a bit, especially when he is alone in his crib...it is pretty funny to watch on the monitor.

He is very aware of EVERYTHING going on around him, he just takes it all in.  He loves water, baths, the pool, or even being squirt with a spray bottle :).

He is growing healthy and strong and we are enjoying every moment with him!  Happy 7 months sweet boy!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Truth Must Inform Your Heart

I recently overheard some moms chatting about what they had "given up" to be stay at home moms with their kids, and how "purposeless" their lives were now.  They complained about their lack of freedom, their inability to shop for the latest trends in fashion and home decor, and how they were no longer considered "successful".  They gabbed on about how ordinary their days were, and how boring.  About two minutes into the conversation I knew that our perspectives were very different, or so I hoped.  Afterwards, I thought long and hard about what I had just heard, and began to examine my own thoughts, motives, and heart with regards to being a wife and a mom.  Do I see what I do as a "have to" or a "get to"?  Have I "given up" my hopes, dreams and aspirations to sit at home all day?  Am I no longer "free"? And do I find myself seeing my days as ordinary?  Have I become "unsuccessful"?

I began to realize that although my perspective (because I know the Truth) is very different, there are attitudes at times, in my heart, that reflect those very ideas that these women were sharing. 

If someone asked me what I wanted to from the time I was 5 on, I would have answered the same...a wife and a mom, that is all I want to do.  I had dreams and aspirations, yes, but they were always wrapped around this idea that I would be a stay at home wife and mom.  I would dream often about what it would be like, and prayed and prayed for those dreams to become reality.  So here I am, 26 years old, and living that "dream".  Is it everything I chalked it up to be?  Is it a dream come true?  That was the question I asked myself after listening to these women.  And in my heart there was an instant, YES.  I began to realize in that moment, how blessed and thankful I truly am.  And how my perspective (aka TRUTH) must shape the attitude of my heart in every situation, even on those hard days when I'm running on little sleep, the house is a mess, and I feel like I don't know what I am doing as a mom. 

These ideas popped into my head after thinking about my roles as a wife, and a mom...

You GET TO Be A Wife and a Mom
 So often, as wives and moms, well I guess as humans, our perspective shifts from the "get to" to the "have to".  We "have to" go to church, to pick up our kids from soccer, to the grocery store etc.  But Truth has gone awry when we begin to think in such a way.  We must remember that we "get to" do so many of these things, by the grace of God.  We deserve absolutely NOTHING good, in fact, we deserve hell, and separation from the Lord, BUT God, in His love and mercy saved us (as believers) and has blessed us above and beyond that salvation.  So when we are tempted to think, "I have to clean my house", or "I have to make dinner", or I have to...you fill in the blank; change that to "I get to!", and remember the abundance of grace bestowed upon you.

The Mundane IS Kingdom Work
Let's face it, as a mother and a wife, our days are pretty ordinary.  We wake up, make breakfast, play with our kids, clean up spills, potty train, take our children to school, discipline, clean the house, nurse our babies, help with homework, run errands, walk to the park, and the list goes on.  Nothing "special" might happen on an ordinary day, or so we may be tempted to think.  But the reality is, every day we are doing kingdom work.  Every dish done, story read, meal made, and prayer prayed is all part of God's perfectly designed plan to bring Him glory.  Nothing goes unnoticed, or unrewarded for that matter (when it is done with a heart as unto the Lord). Our home isn't here, we are simply passing through, with a greater kingdom on the other side!

Everyday is Purposed and Designed
Nothing happens by chance.  If your 8 month old decided to stay up all night crying,  your three year old spilled a gallon of milk on the floor, or your teenager lost their cell phone at school, you can rest in knowing that it is all part of His perfect plan.  Sin sets things awry, from our perspective, but the Truth is, God purposes good out of even what is evil.  We can know that He is working in our everyday life with an end goal in sight- our Christ likeness and His glory.  There is nothing that happens on any ordinary day that isn't designed by the hand of the Father.  So when you are discouraged, remember that Truth, and find peace.

Little Eyes Help Us SEE
Enjoy the little eyes in your life and SEE His glory and beauty through them.  The way an infant stares at your face for hours everyday, the way a one year old finds the wind simply wonderful, the way a five year old looks at the ocean and can't believe its splendor, or how a ten year old stands amazed at the first snow fall they've ever seen...these are all glimpses of His glory that we get to experience, again, through the eyes of the little ones in our life. 

So when, and if you are tempted, as a mother and wife, to see your role and duties as simple, purposeless, ordinary, or worse, unenjoyable, STOP and REMEMBER TRUTH, and let that inform your heart.


Friday, August 2, 2013

Six Things

It has been just about 6 1/2 months since we brought home our little treasure and the joy we have experienced is unexplainable.  It is hard to remember what life was like without this little baby; he has taught us so much about ourselves and more importantly the Lord, and has been an ever present reminder of God's goodness, faithfulness, grace and love towards us.  Here are six things I have learned from being Brayden's mommy.
1. YOU'RE NOT IN CONTROL: God teaches me this over and over again, in different ways each day.  He reminds me, gracioulsy, as I raise Brayden, that He is the one sovereign over all things, and He is the one who calls all the shots.  I am always fully dependent upon Him for all things, and it is only His grace that sustains me each and every day.

 2. HIS MERCIES ARE NEW EVERY DAY: No matter what my day was like, how much I failed, or how hard it may have been, tomorrow is a new day, full of NEW mercy and grace as the Lord graciously reminds me of the Gospel.

3. TREASURE EVERY MOMENT: "Kids grow fast", I hear it all the time, and the fact of the matter is, it's true.  I know Brayden's only 6 months, but I know that in the blink of an eye he will be walking down the aisle on his wedding day.  The Lord has taught me to be still, to stop, and to enjoy every moment with this sweet treasure for we don't know which moment will be our last, and time is fading. 

 4. I MARRIED AN AMAZING DADDY: Watching Keith with Brayden has been incredible.  There is nothing more wonderful then seeing your spouse with your child.  I have grown to love Keith more deeply as I see him as a father.  He is such a faithful provider and protector and for that I am beyond grateful.

 5. YOU'RE CHILD IS UNIQUE: God designs each child uniquely, they are an individual who He has created with purpose and for a unique plan.  There is no formula or book that can tell you how to parent your child-take advice and wisdom with a grain of salt and seek the Lord as He directs you in parenting your kiddo.
6. I CAN NEVER PRAY TOO MUCH: Pray, pray and then pray some more.  I need it, it is vital to my everyday living just as much as breathing is.  We are dependent on the Lord, we need His grace, we need to be in constant fellowship with Him, ALL DAY LONG

Best 6 months of my life by far, and the most sanctifying.  I love you little B, thank you for teaching me to love Jesus more.