Sunday, December 22, 2013

Last Month as a "Baby"

In one month this little guy is turning one, where has the time gone?! It is amazing how much they change their first year.  We have been so blessed by this little guy's life, and are beyond thankful for the 11 months we've had with him. He brings us so much joy, and really is a constant reminder to us of the goodness of our Great God!

So what's new this month with this kiddo?! A...LOT!

He is "walking" everywhere, with our help, or with the help of his push toys or furniture. I am sure soon enough he will brave up and take a step on his own. But until then he finds ways to walk around on his own, or crawl as fast as he can to get where he wants/needs to go. He can also stand unassisted if he is distracted. He can totally do it, but gets nervous when he realizes that we aren't supporting him anymore and sits down..little stinker!

He has mastered climbing the stairs, with close supervision of course :). He is so proud of himself every time he does it. And climbing the jungle gym at the park is a favorite of his as well. He's tried climbing the slide too, as all kiddos do, but it'll be a few years before you can do that kiddo ;).

He has become even more of a chatterbox, he LOVES to talk. He has full on convos with himself, mommy and daddy, and others in his baby talk...if only we knew what he wanted to say.  He points to things and then just starts talking, it is SO adorable. He says mama or mom mom, dada, baba (bottle), ba (ball), bath, brush, bye, car, and YES (his favorite). 

Brayden has always been affectionate but even more so lately, especially towards mommy, and boy do I love it! He will just come over, for no reason, and bury his head in my shoulder or chest and give me a "hug".  I adore those precious moments.

His favorites at the moment are balls, being outside, musical instruments (SO CUTE to watch him play his drums, keyboard, and other little instruments), lights, and playing chase with daddy.

He is still an awesome eater, loving pretty much anything and everything now that he is eating most solid food! And it shows in his 90% height and weight...STILL!

11 months have come and gone SO fast. We are so thankful for each day the Lord gives us with this precious heart and are excited for what the Lord has planned for his little life!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Pregnancy, A Lesson in Faith, All Over Again

I thought being pregnant for the second time would be SO very different. Although there are differences, such as the way I feel, or how fast it is going, I still find myself struggling with similar things this time around. 

When I was pregnant with Brayden, he was constantly on my mind. Every twinge, ache, or "weird" feeling I experienced was new, and with many of those experiences came questions, fear of the unknown, and worry. I tried to follow most of the "rules" of pregnancy, like staying away from caffeine, and hot tubs, and sushi. I read all the books. I wondered if what I was feeling was "normal", I wondered if the baby was okay (especially before I could feel him during that first trimester), and I found myself searching google for "is __________ typical during pregnancy" countless times during my pregnancy. Through it all, I learned many lessons in faith and found myself humbled by the sustaining grace of the Lord and the reality of Psalm 139:13 "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb." 

When I held my precious little bundle of joy that January afternoon I was in awe of our Creator and how amazing He truly is. For He had created this little life, grew it and sustained it inside of my womb-it was an absolute miracle. And at that very moment I was reminded of the fact that I had no control over this little life, it was simply a gift of His grace.  For Psalm 139 taught me that it was He who formed the life in my womb, and it is also He who has written each person's days. 

Being pregnant that first time was stretching and good-it grew me in my faith and my dependence upon our good and faithful God. And for that I was thankful. 

I assumed, wrongly, that after being pregnant, and learning those "lessons", that when baby #2 came around, I would be much more faithful.  But the opposite is true. I find myself exhibiting faithlessness often, faced with different and similar struggles. Because each pregnancy is different, so is the sanctification you receive from the Lord. He is quick to remind me through pregnancy of my ZERO control over all things and of my desperate need for His grace and growing faith. 

No matter how many times I look on google to see if what I am experiencing is normal, how many rules I follow, or how careful I am to ensure that this little one is growing properly, changes the reality that HE is the One forming this life and in control of its days, not me. I have to trust Him, for He IS good ALL the time. I have to believe that His care and love and concern for this little life inside of me, far outweighs my love for it. I have to trust my Lord.

I am thankful for pregnancy, the hard days and the blissful ones because in and through it all, I am reminded of His love, and care, and goodness for His beloved as He sanctifies me continually each step of the way.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

"Training" Up A Child

I have been consumed lately, not in a bad way, with the thought of parenting.  The little baby we brought home from the hospital 10 1/2 months ago isn't quite so little anymore. His sin nature is manifesting itself, and as our pastor reminded us of recently in a sermon he preached, your child is not a son of God, and therefore they are wicked.  That is hard to grasp on a daily basis, even when you see their sinfulness.  But the reality is that it is true, and because our children are little sinners, and in need of redemption, we must view them as God does, unsaved.

In our society, even among Christian parents, there is this emphasis on raising good kids. However we can modify their behavior to get them to be good, seems to be the goal of many parents.  After all, we don't want to be those parents in the store who have the three year old wailing on the floor because he wants a box of cookies, or the parents of the kid at the restaurant who throws food at guests nearby.  We want kids who are obedient, well mannered, and basically, good.  

The problem is, having a good kid, CANNOT be the Christian parents goal.  Although there are manners that need to be taught, appropriate behaviors that must be learned, and social norms that our children will be schooled in, if we don't address the fundamental problem, the heart, we have failed to be faithful to our duty as their parents.  The Bible says in Jeremiah 17:9 that "the heart is wicked above all else...". Our children's hearts are wicked, and in order for them to see their need for the Savior we so love, they must see their sin, and the wickedness of their very hearts.  

But how on earth do we go about doing this? Especially in a culture that promotes self esteem, how am I as a parent supposed to teach and train my child that their hearts are wicked, that they are innately sinful and bad and that only Christ can make them good? I have been thinking, praying and reading and have been burdened with this task. Although it is by the grace of God ALONE that my children will ever come to faith, there is still a heavy responsibility that I bear, as a mother, to train them, to point them towards Jesus, and to equip them with the tools that I pray the Lord will use to draw them to himself.

PRAY: It starts on our knees. Only in Him can we find the strength, the wisdom, and the grace to train up and disciple these little ones HE has entrusted to us. There are countless verses in Scripture we can spend time praying for our children.  Here are just a few:

Pray that Jesus will CALL them and nobody will hinder them from coming: "Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people, but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” And he laid his hands on them and went away. "(Matthew 19:13–15)

Pray they will respond to the persistent call of Christ: "The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance." (2 Peter 3:9)

Pray they will be sanctified by the work of the Spirit: "And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37-39)

Pray for their purity: "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." (Philippians 4:8)

(Taken from:

DISCIPLINE: This isn't one many moms, or dads, are most excited about, but it is fundamental to training up our children.  We can't get around the Biblical principle of discipline, and I would even go further and say spanking.  Proverbs 22:15 says, "Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child;The rod of discipline will remove it far from him."

TEACH: There are teachable moments all throughout our days.  Whether it be at the park, in the kitchen, or during a dispute between siblings; the Lord calls us to make the most of every opportunity and we must be on the watch for these moments each and every day, always creatively thinking how we can incorporate Truth, and the Gospel in real life.

Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go,Even when he is old he will not depart from it."
2 Timothy 3:14-15 "But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus."

SHOW: We have to set the example, we have to be the role models.  If our children see us with repentant hearts, they see the Gospel in action, and our need for Jesus too.  If our children see our Bibles open throughout the day, their curiosity will be heightened. If our children hear our prayers, they too will learn how to talk to Jesus.  We have to lead them by example, in real every day life.  And I truly believe when they see us as we really are, still being sanctified, they will see Jesus as even more glorious.

1 Corinthians 10:32 "Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ."

These are just some of the ways I have been encouraged to grow in on this journey of parenting.  My little one may only be 10 months, but I am certain that our call to train them up starts from birth and my prayer is that I would be a vessel that the Lord uses to bring them to Him.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

10 Months!

We officially have a little man in our home!  It is crazy how much has changed in the last month.  Brayden has went from crawling to crawling and pulling himself up on everything, pushing toys and walking, and taking steps with the help of mommy and daddy.  I look at him and am amazed how
 it was only 10 months ago that we brought him home from the hospital...they grow way. too. fast.

Brayden is still quite the inquisitive one.  He is an observer; whether we are outside, in a new place, or even at home, his curiosity is evident in everything he does, says, and the facial expressions he makes.  And now that he can explore on his own, it is even more fun to watch him learn.

He loves to chat, all day long.  Other than mama, dada, and hi, he started saying "ball" this month which is about the cutest thing in the world.  He LOVES balls.  He likes to play catch, does a pretty good job throwing it himself, and gets so excited when he sees one.  He definitely takes after his daddy in that area...although daddy is hoping his love for balls will become a love for the baseball ;).

When he claps sometimes he will say "yay" as if he is cheering for himself, so precious.  Getting a wave out of him now-a-days is rare, but when he decides he wants to wave goodbye he will...little stinker, they never do things when you want them to ;).

This last month was a busy one with lots of family time, outings, and his dedication at church.  It was such a blessing to be able to stand before the Lord, and our church family and commit to raising Brayden in the fear and admonition of the Lord.  We are so blessed to have a church family that loves and prays for this little boy already.

He loves other kids, especially babies, he gets so excited when he sees a little one :). And he loves dogs.  Books, jumping in his jumper, and music make the top of this kids list.

He still is a great eater (which shows in his percentiles for both height and weight, he is still in the 90th%!) and now that he is eating a lot more "normal" food, he is loving life haha.  We have let him try a lot of new things this month and I'm sure he is wondering where these flavors have been all his life. Fruit, yogurt, and cheese are some of his favorites.

His favorite place is still outside, he could stay out there all day long.  He  just figured out how to move himself on his little riding toy outside...too cute! And playing in the sand at the park seems to be a new favorite too.

We are so thankful for the last 10 months we have had the privilege of being his mommy and daddy. We are so excited to continue to watch him grow and develop, but more eager and prayerful to see the Lord work in his life to bring him to himself and use him greatly for His glory!  We love you little B!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

9 Months Down!

Our little pumpkin, although not so little anymore, is now 9 months old! And boy is he fun!

We thought B would crawl early because he sat unassisted before his 5 month birthday, and could bear his weight on his legs from a couple weeks old, but weeks passed and nothing. For the past two months however, he has been attempting to maneuver himself around ("crawl")...he's rolled himself everywhere, scooted backwards and even figured out how to get up on those knees, but the whole idea of crawling just didn't click for this little man until this month when he finally started "crawling" (army crawling that is), yay little Brayden.  It still isn't his most favorite thing in the world, he'd rather be standing or picked up, but if he wants something, or to get to one of us without waiting patiently (patience isn't his virtue;)), he will just muscle his way over.  It's hard not to laugh at him when he does this because he looks quite silly, but we are so proud of him! I'm sure once his legs can figure out how to bear all the weigh without help he will be walking, it seems much more fun to him ;).

He has started pulling himself up as well, but pulling 22+lbs up is tough work.  He can stand well on his own holding onto things for quite some time and gets so excited when we hold his hands and let him "walk".

He talks, smiles and laughs all the time---these moments brighten our days!

At the beginning of this month he got 5 teeth and has 8 teeth now, let's hope he is done teething for a while, poor little man.  But that toothy grin is sure cute!  And when we say "cheese", he loves to show off those pearly whites.

He loves giving hi-5's!

He is still in the 90th percentile for both weight and height. Big little man!

His favorite foods are yogurt, bananas, happy green puffs, and grapes. He has a sweet tooth like his mama.

He says "dada" all the time, "mama" when he wants something or needs me, he has said "papa", "nana", "baba", a version of "hi", what sounds like "yes", and mimics "ssss" (for "Shhh"). He doesn't know what he is saying of course, but it is fun to hear those words!

He loves BALLS and playing catch, knocking over blocks, reading books, phones, computers, Sesame Street's ABC song, walks, and being outside.

He is at such a fun age and we are so blessed by his kisses, hugs, waves, giggles, smiles, and love.  Little B, you are such a joy! We love our family of 3!  Happy 9 months kiddo!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Bad Days?

I have never been good with change or the most flexible person in the world. The flesh in which I am still encased in still pulls towards sinful behaviors and attitudes that are rooted in my desire to have control. I see the manifestations of this in my anxious or worried heart, my frustration when things don't go as planned, and my emotions when I am left without answers of what to do in a specific situation.  

I have written on this subject many, many times. My life is marked by sanctification in this area as the Lord graciously provides me with countless opportunities to grow.  The dependence I have upon Him, although never changing, becomes more clear in moments when I am humbled to remember that HE is in control, and always is.  

Through these times when I am forced to recognize my lack of control, I find myself reminded of the fact that my life is far more blessed than I deserve.  The small trials that I face are tiny compared to the trials that many of my brothers and sisters in Him are enduring and have endured.  From my perspective, days can appear as "bad", in fact there are many times my husband asks me how my day has been and despite all the good in that day, I seem to find that the "bad" has outweighed what has been SO good.

I recently came across a familiar passage in Scripture that has given me a new perspective, and what I believe is the right perspective on "bad" days. 

"Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal." -2 Corinthians 4:16-18

For the Christian, there is no such thing as a "bad" day.  Are there hard days? Yes. Are there painful days? Yes. But there are no "bad" days. For the Christian we can rest in knowing that each day has been purposefully designed by the hand of the Almighty God. We can believe that as hard as it might be, there is good intended and there is glory being achieved. We can cling to the promise of this passage by recognizing that our affliction, no matter how great or how small it is here on earth, is momentary and light compared to what we have in store for us in the kingdom.  There is not a moment of suffering here that is eternal--thanks to the blood of Christ; all is temporal, and fading, bringing us closer with each tear and each day, to our Savior.  

If we truly believe that God IS sovereign over all, that He IS good, that He IS faithful, and that His ways ARE better, then there can never be a "bad" day for the believer.  We must resolve to change our thinking, and to keep our eyes fixed on the eternal in order to have this perspective. Our days must be seen as purposefully preparing us for perfection! What an amazing Truth to think on, and what a good Father we have. 

Friday, September 20, 2013


Our sweet boy is officially 8 months old...8 MONTHS!  I can't believe how fast time flies, it feels like I was just holding my 7lb1oz little bundle of joy, but at the same time, I feel like he has been with us forever.  He truly is such a blessing to each of us every single day. There are so many reasons why this is the case, but mostly because he is the greatest tool the Lord is using to sanctify us!

I think he is slowing down in the physical growth department.  He gained a little bit in height this month but stayed the same in weight.  I'm okay with that, the longer he stays little is ok with me!

He is trying SO hard to move, it is so cute to watch.  He rolls everywhere, moves backwards, and from side to side, but because he hasn't quite figured out how to lift that cute little chubby body up on his hands and knees he can't move forward.  He lunges forward onto his hands and knees but then flops down onto his belly. Soon I'm sure, but until that, I will enjoy him not moving like crazy because once he is crawling I know he won't sit still.

He has started clapping and in the last week he has starting waving, but he is just learning this new skill so we don't get too many waves out of him just yet.  These two things are just about the cutest things I have ever seen.  Every night when we sing worship songs he will clap along and he often claps for himself when he is excited, TOO CUTE!  And he knows what "clap" means so when we ask him to clap he usually will! Below is a picture of him clapping-hence why it is so blurry.

He talks ALL THE TIME, I think he loves hearing his own voice.  "Dada" is his favorite word, of course.  He knows sign language for eat and please, although he can't do it, he recognizes it when we ask him.  And he knows to wait until we pray for his food before he is going to eat.

He is such a happy boy, I love the hundreds of smiles and all the giggles we get to enjoy each day.

He loves music, balls, blocks, bubbles, baths and animals.  And he LOVES to stand.  Maybe he will skip crawling all together and go straight to walking.  He can't pull himself up but he can stand by himself holding onto things for a bit (he gets super excited when he does this), and then he looses his balance and comes tumbling down.

He eats VERY well, although he did reject his first food this month...Green Beans (but come'on who likes green beans anyway?!).  He does get his greens mixed in with other foods, good thing he doesn't know ;).  And he loves feeding himself puffs or cut up fruits and veggies, it is adorable....everything about him is!

Drinking out of a straw has become his new favorite fascination.  But although he has a few cups with straws, he prefers to drink out of mommy or daddy's big straws, even if that means getting soaked in the process.

We took him to the beach a few weeks ago for the first time and lets just say it wasn't his most favorite place ;).  

He is a definite mama's boy, but I so adore that.  He still loves hugs and kisses and snuggling in bed with mommy and daddy!  And he loves snuggling with his little lambie and monkey in bed, SO ADORABLE!

He has 3 teeth (all on the bottom) and a couple more (on the top) on the way...those top teeth just take forever to pop through.  His teeth are so cute, but getting them sure isn't any fun!

8 months young, and so much fun...Brayden we love you and pray every single day that God would use you and your little life for His glory!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Faithful in the Little Things

A few months before Keith and I got married, our Pastor, Philip DeCourcy, welcomed us into his home and shared a verse, along with some wisdom, that I will never forget:

"Catch the foxes--the little foxes that spoil the vines, for our vines have tender grapes!"
- Song of Solomon 2:15

As he encouraged us to watch the little things in our life that evening, I was challenged in new ways.  I recognized that it was often the little things in life that get neglected (both good and bad), and those little things are the stepping stones that lead to the big things.

Most of us will rarely be faced with BIG things, our life is made up of little things, the day to day.  And it is those little things that are MOST important.  It is in the little things that we are called to be faithful.  The little things lay the foundations for great kingdom work and the little things can also lay the foundation for heinous sin.  Just as the old saying goes, "Rome wasn't built in a day", so it is in the Christian life; sanctification doesn't happen in a day and neither does a great fall.

As a mom, I have been learning more than ever that LITTLE things matter. I am not going to see fruit every single day, in fact I may not see the fruit of my labor for years, BUT, I am called to be faithful, and that I must be, every. single. day., in the big things, and in the small (which is most of our realities).  I pray for that faithful heart, and trust the Lord to continue to work.

"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much." -Luke 16:10


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

7 Months And Counting...

7 months have come and gone...QUICKLY! I cannot believe how much has changed in the last 7 months, and even more so, how much little B has changed.  He has went from this newborn who didn't make too much noise to a baby with a ton of personality!  It is SO much fun living life with him, for both Keith and I, and every day seems like a new adventure as we get to experience everything he does for the first time.  To say we are blessed to get to be his parents is an understatement.  Thank you Jesus for this precious little man you've entrusted to us, we are forever grateful.

So what is he up to now?  Well, he is moving, not crawling, but he can and does move from left to right and backwards (kicking his legs and moving his arms).  He hasn't quite figured out how to lift his midsection yet.  He still would prefer to just roll over from tummy to back, so I don't know how interested in crawling he is at the moment.  I think he has figured out that we will give him his toys and the same amount of attention whether he is on his tummy or his back, and lets face it, laying down on his back is much easier ;), little stinker.  He will get there, eventually, so until then, we are enjoying not having to worry about him getting into everything.  He does love to stand though, so maybe he will end up bypassing crawling and go straight to walking...lets hope not! ;)

He has his two bottom teeth (they are absolutely adorable), and is working on getting a few of the top.  Teething is NOT FUN for anyone, poor little guy.  In fact he is teething at the moment, hence why getting a good 7 month picture wasn't too easy.  These top ones are causing a lot more pain then the bottom did, that's for sure.  But he is loving experimenting with "chewing", it is so funny to watch him chew and feel out his new teeth.

He still is a great eater, and is enjoying more and more solids.  Textures and tastes don't seem to bother him as he has not rejected anything we've offered. This month we will try some more green veggies so maybe we will get a different reaction?!  He has started picking up 'puffs' and eating those, it is pretty cute to watch him feed himself!

He LOVES his mommy and his daddy so very much.  He lights up when one of us walks in the room. I will leave the room for a minute to grab something and as soon as I come back and he sees me, he gets this bashful smile on his face, it melts my heart, every. single. time.  His smiles and laughs are the highlights of our days.  And he has just started burying his head in our shoulder or our chest as if he is hugging us, it is such a precious moment each time he does it.

He has become more and more aware of "strangers" and isn't as quick to give someone a smile without first checking mommy's face to see how she reacts. 

He still enjoys books, music, and dancing (with mommy and daddy of course). And he loves, loves, LOVES being thrown up in the air and caught.

We spend a good amount of time outside each day on a blanket or taking a walk...these are most definitely his favorite parts of the day.

He has graduated from the ERGO (although he still rides in it occasionally) to the cart at the store and he sure loves sitting like a big boy!

He said "dada" this month, he obviously doesn't know what that means, but Keith was pretty happy :).  He talks quite a bit, especially when he is alone in his is pretty funny to watch on the monitor.

He is very aware of EVERYTHING going on around him, he just takes it all in.  He loves water, baths, the pool, or even being squirt with a spray bottle :).

He is growing healthy and strong and we are enjoying every moment with him!  Happy 7 months sweet boy!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Truth Must Inform Your Heart

I recently overheard some moms chatting about what they had "given up" to be stay at home moms with their kids, and how "purposeless" their lives were now.  They complained about their lack of freedom, their inability to shop for the latest trends in fashion and home decor, and how they were no longer considered "successful".  They gabbed on about how ordinary their days were, and how boring.  About two minutes into the conversation I knew that our perspectives were very different, or so I hoped.  Afterwards, I thought long and hard about what I had just heard, and began to examine my own thoughts, motives, and heart with regards to being a wife and a mom.  Do I see what I do as a "have to" or a "get to"?  Have I "given up" my hopes, dreams and aspirations to sit at home all day?  Am I no longer "free"? And do I find myself seeing my days as ordinary?  Have I become "unsuccessful"?

I began to realize that although my perspective (because I know the Truth) is very different, there are attitudes at times, in my heart, that reflect those very ideas that these women were sharing. 

If someone asked me what I wanted to from the time I was 5 on, I would have answered the same...a wife and a mom, that is all I want to do.  I had dreams and aspirations, yes, but they were always wrapped around this idea that I would be a stay at home wife and mom.  I would dream often about what it would be like, and prayed and prayed for those dreams to become reality.  So here I am, 26 years old, and living that "dream".  Is it everything I chalked it up to be?  Is it a dream come true?  That was the question I asked myself after listening to these women.  And in my heart there was an instant, YES.  I began to realize in that moment, how blessed and thankful I truly am.  And how my perspective (aka TRUTH) must shape the attitude of my heart in every situation, even on those hard days when I'm running on little sleep, the house is a mess, and I feel like I don't know what I am doing as a mom. 

These ideas popped into my head after thinking about my roles as a wife, and a mom...

You GET TO Be A Wife and a Mom
 So often, as wives and moms, well I guess as humans, our perspective shifts from the "get to" to the "have to".  We "have to" go to church, to pick up our kids from soccer, to the grocery store etc.  But Truth has gone awry when we begin to think in such a way.  We must remember that we "get to" do so many of these things, by the grace of God.  We deserve absolutely NOTHING good, in fact, we deserve hell, and separation from the Lord, BUT God, in His love and mercy saved us (as believers) and has blessed us above and beyond that salvation.  So when we are tempted to think, "I have to clean my house", or "I have to make dinner", or I have fill in the blank; change that to "I get to!", and remember the abundance of grace bestowed upon you.

The Mundane IS Kingdom Work
Let's face it, as a mother and a wife, our days are pretty ordinary.  We wake up, make breakfast, play with our kids, clean up spills, potty train, take our children to school, discipline, clean the house, nurse our babies, help with homework, run errands, walk to the park, and the list goes on.  Nothing "special" might happen on an ordinary day, or so we may be tempted to think.  But the reality is, every day we are doing kingdom work.  Every dish done, story read, meal made, and prayer prayed is all part of God's perfectly designed plan to bring Him glory.  Nothing goes unnoticed, or unrewarded for that matter (when it is done with a heart as unto the Lord). Our home isn't here, we are simply passing through, with a greater kingdom on the other side!

Everyday is Purposed and Designed
Nothing happens by chance.  If your 8 month old decided to stay up all night crying,  your three year old spilled a gallon of milk on the floor, or your teenager lost their cell phone at school, you can rest in knowing that it is all part of His perfect plan.  Sin sets things awry, from our perspective, but the Truth is, God purposes good out of even what is evil.  We can know that He is working in our everyday life with an end goal in sight- our Christ likeness and His glory.  There is nothing that happens on any ordinary day that isn't designed by the hand of the Father.  So when you are discouraged, remember that Truth, and find peace.

Little Eyes Help Us SEE
Enjoy the little eyes in your life and SEE His glory and beauty through them.  The way an infant stares at your face for hours everyday, the way a one year old finds the wind simply wonderful, the way a five year old looks at the ocean and can't believe its splendor, or how a ten year old stands amazed at the first snow fall they've ever seen...these are all glimpses of His glory that we get to experience, again, through the eyes of the little ones in our life. 

So when, and if you are tempted, as a mother and wife, to see your role and duties as simple, purposeless, ordinary, or worse, unenjoyable, STOP and REMEMBER TRUTH, and let that inform your heart.


Friday, August 2, 2013

Six Things

It has been just about 6 1/2 months since we brought home our little treasure and the joy we have experienced is unexplainable.  It is hard to remember what life was like without this little baby; he has taught us so much about ourselves and more importantly the Lord, and has been an ever present reminder of God's goodness, faithfulness, grace and love towards us.  Here are six things I have learned from being Brayden's mommy.
1. YOU'RE NOT IN CONTROL: God teaches me this over and over again, in different ways each day.  He reminds me, gracioulsy, as I raise Brayden, that He is the one sovereign over all things, and He is the one who calls all the shots.  I am always fully dependent upon Him for all things, and it is only His grace that sustains me each and every day.

 2. HIS MERCIES ARE NEW EVERY DAY: No matter what my day was like, how much I failed, or how hard it may have been, tomorrow is a new day, full of NEW mercy and grace as the Lord graciously reminds me of the Gospel.

3. TREASURE EVERY MOMENT: "Kids grow fast", I hear it all the time, and the fact of the matter is, it's true.  I know Brayden's only 6 months, but I know that in the blink of an eye he will be walking down the aisle on his wedding day.  The Lord has taught me to be still, to stop, and to enjoy every moment with this sweet treasure for we don't know which moment will be our last, and time is fading. 

 4. I MARRIED AN AMAZING DADDY: Watching Keith with Brayden has been incredible.  There is nothing more wonderful then seeing your spouse with your child.  I have grown to love Keith more deeply as I see him as a father.  He is such a faithful provider and protector and for that I am beyond grateful.

 5. YOU'RE CHILD IS UNIQUE: God designs each child uniquely, they are an individual who He has created with purpose and for a unique plan.  There is no formula or book that can tell you how to parent your child-take advice and wisdom with a grain of salt and seek the Lord as He directs you in parenting your kiddo.
6. I CAN NEVER PRAY TOO MUCH: Pray, pray and then pray some more.  I need it, it is vital to my everyday living just as much as breathing is.  We are dependent on the Lord, we need His grace, we need to be in constant fellowship with Him, ALL DAY LONG

Best 6 months of my life by far, and the most sanctifying.  I love you little B, thank you for teaching me to love Jesus more.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Half a Year!

I know I always say this, but I can't believe how fast time flies and how fast little ones grow! Brayden is officially 6 months old, half a year!

 Just standing up :)
 See my tooth?

This little man steals our hearts daily and is often used to remind us of how great our God is.  It is amazing to watch him experience life, to stand in awe of something as simple as a tree blowing in the wind...God's little reminders of His beauty and awesomeness seen through the eyes of a 6 month old.

Brayden got his first tooth about 2 weeks ago and is currently getting his second one.  Teething is no fun!  Poor kiddo.  Thank the Lord for frozen bananas, washcloths, teething tablets, and this little raspberry.

He loves hearing himself talk and scream and is pretty sure mommy and daddy love to hear it too.  He has so much to say, it is so darn adorable to listen to him as he tries so hard to chat with us.  And the screaming is cute too...for now ;).

Tummy time has become more enjoyable as the days go by and he is just starting to move himself from side to side as he reaches for toys.  He finally figured the art of rolling from back to tummy (it is hard work when you are a big boy!). He wants to move SO badly, soon my sweet little boy, soon.

He has enjoyed every solid we have tried, but his favorites are white sweet potatoes, carrots, pears and HE LOVES bananas; I'm not surprised, anything sweet...lets hope he doesn't have mommy's sweet tooth!  And straws, he is obsessed with straws.  Anytime we are drinking out of one or if there is one in the room, he spots it and reaches for it, and asks for it (in his baby way of course).  He hasn't quite figured out how to drink from it, thank goodness, but they must be soothing to his little gums; that or he just wants to be like mommy and daddy.

Keith and I went away for our anniversary and brought our little man with us! Brayden went on his first plane flight, and vacation, and had a blast!  He did great on the plane and loved all the little places in the San Francisco area we visited, especially Muir Woods (trees are a favorite of his).

He still loves books, music/singing, and his little jumper.  But his favorite toy, that always puts a smile on his face, is his little doggy.  It is SO cute to watch him with his "friend".
A lot of his toys have buttons to push and things to spin to turn on sounds/lights, and he loves pushing/spinning them.  He has a little aquarium in his crib and we often hear him turning it on and off, sometimes in the middle of the night ;).

I used to watch this little guy when he was a little bigger than Brayden for a couple years, and he gets to come play with us every once in a while! Brayden loves his little friend Austin, and Austin adores Brayden-don't be fooled by their seriousness ;).

He still loves being held, and lets us know too!  We cherish our sweet moments with him in our arms because we know they won't last for long.
What a blessed half of a year we have had with our sweetness.  Mommy and Daddy have learned to depend on the Lord more than ever, and have been sweetly reminded of His precious grace every day through your little life Brayden.  We are so thankful for you and the time we have had with you thus far, we pray we get many more half birthdays, and real birthdays with you little peanut.  We love you to the moon, and back!

Just for fun...look how much he has grown in 6 months!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

5 Months Young!

Our little peanut isn't so little anymore! Can someone please press the PAUSE button!

It seems like Brayden is growing and changing every single day! He is learning new things, talking up a storm, and reminds us quite often, sometimes in the middle of the night, that he misses us!

He is officially sitting up (well he has been for a couple weeks now) and loves it, although standing seems to still be his favorite.  He loves to sit up next to us while we lay on the floor so he is more at eye level with us, after all, it is no fun to sit up and not see mommy and daddy's face right in front of you! It is pretty darn adorable to see him sitting up, but it makes him look SO big! He is growing up too fast!

Tummy time is getting more and more fun for this kiddo, he so badly wants to move though and will kick his little legs and wiggles from left to right.  One day, but for now, mommy likes that he isn't moving around quite yet!

He is still a cuddle bug and I love it! He gives the best hugs and kisses!

He likes loves to be with mommy and daddy all the time, which makes saying goodnight for bedtime or see you soon for nap time tough on this kiddo.  I'm certain he thinks he is missing out on something super exciting.

Oh and his feet...he loves his feet! Who thought feet could be so entertaining?!

He has gotten much better at sleeping, but he is still learning.  Sleeping is tough for a 5 month old, especially when it means you're all alone and don't get to play or eat or be with your mommy and daddy when you want to.  When he does sleep, he loves it, and wakes up so happy when he gets the right amount.  If only we could get him to understand that sleep is his day, let's hope it is in the near future.  But in all fairness, he really is doing much better, sleeeping 10-12 hours every night, and eating only once in the early morning, and many nights not even waking up before that!  And his naps are starting to get better too! Yay Brayden, keep up the good work kiddo!

He loves music.  He plays his little piano (so adorable) and loves watching mommy play it too.  He especially loves kid's worship songs with motions, his favorite is "I May Never March in the Infantry".

We read a story before each nap time, and a Bible story before bed time...he really does like books, and can turn the pages...but they look very appetizing most of the time and up in his mouth before the story is finished ;).

He is starting to laugh more which is so much fun!  His laugh is to die for.  Only mommy and daddy have had the privilege of earning these laughs though.  Peek-a-boo, tickles, funny faces, and mommy's laugh are just some of the things that just might get a giggle.

He is SO serious when he is out in public or when someone comes to visit (at least for a while until he warms up to them).  He just watches people and observes their every move, taking in everything that is going on around him.  Such an observer.

We just started solid food with this little man, and boy does he LOVE it.  We did not plan on starting this early, but for about a month now he has been very interested in our food, trying to grab our spoons, and since he can sit up on his own, we thought it was about time to add a little fruits and veggies to his diet.  So far he has tried apples, bananas, and sweet potatoes...all a success!  He opens his mouth like a little bird, leaning forward and impatiently grabs the spoon if he isn't being fed fast enough (haha).  He says "mmm" sometimes, too funny!  

Brayden is such a joy to have in our lives, and we really feel more and more blessed everyday with him around.  We pray that the Gospel seeds will be watered early on his life, and he will bloom into a Godly young man at a young age.

We love you big boy, with our whole hearts!!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Being a mother has taught me a lot about perspective; it is as if I have received a new set of eyes.  It is so easy to lose sight of TRUTH when circumstances are not favorable, or maybe just not quite the way they used to be, or the way you might assume they should be. 

I'll be honest, before Brayden was born, I had many assumptions about what being a mother required, and how a baby would function.  When he came, and many of those assumptions were not correct, there were many tears, frustrations, and a feeling of inadequacy and disappointment.  I felt silly for thinking that I knew "everything" about being a mom, and felt bad about the expectations I had placed on my sweet infant.  The truth was, God was working to sanctify and refine me; and he began teaching me MANY lessons, giving me perspective.

I began coming in contact with quite a few families (none of whom I knew personally), who were battling trials with their children, FAR GREATER than sleep deprivation or a colicky baby: Cancer, still birth, SIDS, a heart transplant.  My heart began to break for these mothers, and fathers, and my heart began to gain new insight into my own reality.  Although my lot in life may not be as simple as I expected, or as I had seen in the "Smith" was blessed, beyond comprehension and very undeserved.  I began to grasp a new perspective: Any sickness, sleepless night, tough day, etc. is God's affliction for MY profit, because He loves ME and wants to make ME a partaker of His holiness (Hebrews 12:10).  And EVERY day of health, restful night, blessed day, etc. is an undeserved blessing for MY profit, from the hand of God, because He loves ME.

I am certain that God will continue to work in me, His character/holiness, and refine my perspective on a daily basis.  2 Corinthians 4:16-18 is a good frame of reference for this perspective: "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all! So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal!"

Monday, June 10, 2013

20 Weeks

I thought I'd only post once a month about Brayden, but he is just growing so fast and learning so much every single day I figured I needed to post a little more frequently so I don't forget how much he is changing!

This little man is SO MUCH FUN! I love this age.  Every day is a new adventure filled with excitement for all of us as we anticipate what "new" skill Brayden might show off.  And even though he is still little, I look at him and wonder what happened to my baby?!

As you can see (above), Brayden LOVES his activity jumper.  Although his feet don't quite touch the ground, and he can't turn everywhich way, or reach all the toys (its for kids a little bit older than him), he enjoys it.  He tries so hard to grab everything, and gets a little frustrated when it doesn't come as easy as he would prefer ;), but he is a hard worker and doesn't give up!

 This little guy is the happiest little baby I have ever seen.  He smiles at mommy, and daddy, ALL the time.  I can't get enough of those smiles, they melt our heart.  And every time we leave the room and come back in he gets super excited to see us and kicks his little legs and waves his little arms.  We are his favorites, his best friends, and we cherish every moment with this precious little babe.  As I have mentioned before, he is OH SO CUDDLY, and for that I am so grateful!  It may have something to do with the fact that for the first 3 months I held him for almost every single nap (totally goes against most baby books and a lot of "advice" I got) he took, but I am so thankful I did because I wouldn't trade his cuddles and love for anything!  Keith made such a good point about the fact that we are trying to win our little one's hearts, so that we might win them to Christ one day, and part of that is showing them Christ's love which is sacrificial and selfless, and that starts at infancy!

 EVERYTHING goes in this kid's mouth!  He is at that stage I suppose.  From toys, to mommy's hair, to cell phone's, if he can get his hands on it, it is going in his mouth!

 He has just recently started figuring out that when we put things in our mouth we are eating, and is super interested in that...some rice cereal or starter solids are in his near future (I'm trying to hold off as long as I can), he is definitely ready! Until then he enjoys grabbing our spoons and straws (his favorite thing to put in his mouth), and trying to get them in his own mouth!

 Brayden loves music.  Every night during our bedtime routine we sing worship songs, and some kids worship songs and he just soaks it up!  And throughout the day mommy and Brayden have music time which brings a huge smile to his face.

 Tummy time has become more tolerable for this little guy as of late.  He kicks his legs so hard and moves his arms from right to left and moves a little in those directions, and tries so hard to move forward..."If only I could get those toys".

 At around 3 months, Brayden was able to sit up for about a couple seconds on his own before he would topple over.  Since then he has been able to sit up for longer periods, maybe 10 or so seconds before he falls to the right or left.  I don't think he is quite aware of the fact that he is sitting up alone, but I'm certain soon enough he will be doing it for more and more time.  It is pretty cute to watch him sit up, he looks like such a big boy!

This boy LOVES to talk.  He spends much of his play time talking to himself or mommy or daddy (he doesn't talk too much when others are around...he is to curious as to who they are) and he puts himself to sleep most naps talking to himself.  It is pretty adorable, we LOVE it. 

Here's to you my sweet boy, happy 20 weeks of life (outside the womb)...mommy and daddy love you, you have our hearts forever!