Friday, December 19, 2014

Happy Half Birthday Brooklyn Grace!

Today we celebrate half a year of my baby girl's on earth are we already here?! Time, please slow down.

This past month miss Brooklyn got her first tooth (sooo cute) and number two looks like it's about to pop through any day now....goodbye toothless smiles. She is still pretty tall for her age (79%) and average for weight (45%), although she does have those adorable chubby cheeks! She loves to stand now too.

She has become much more talkative this past month, especially toward Brayden and the mirror. She makes sure to let him and us know what she does and doesn't like from him ;). But she adores him so. It is so special to watch their little bond forming and to see the love they have for each other show. I pray their love would grow deep.

We tried solids again this month and she's still not a huge fan of anything other than nursing so we will keep on trying, but honestly I don't blame her, who likes puréed fruits and veggies?!

She LOVES her daddy and lights up when he walks into the room after work and he adores her too, it's absolutely precious. I think she's already a daddy's girl.

She enjoys being outside, baths, talking, playing with big brother, putting everything in her mouth, tickles, books, being sung to, and peek a boo.

She is all girl, miss dramatic, and boy do we love her. Happy six months sweet baby girl! We pray you grow into a Godly young woman.