Saturday, December 9, 2017

Brynn Everly- 1 Month

 Sweet girl, we are so thankful for you and for your life. The past month has been full of so many blessed and chaotic moments as we have transitioned from a family of 5-6, but what a gift it has been to have you join our fit perfectly. From the moment they laid you on my chest in the hospital, I felt such closure, like you were the bookend, the missing piece all along. I wasn't sure four was the right number for our family, but the Lord were the one we were waiting for, the one we had prayed for, and the one that would complete our little family. You are everything we dreamed and more.

The newborn stage is so unique, it goes so quickly and yet it has some of the most intimate and sweet moments for mommy. The way you curl up on my chest, the way you smell, your grunts and groans, your little smiles, your fingers that hold so tightly to anything they can get their hands around, your tiny facial features, and your little toes...everything is oh so precious. I can't get enough of you, I am soaking it all in. I am cherishing every cuddle, every middle of the night feed, and even every little newborn cry...knowing it will most likely be the last time I ever experience that. So thankful it is with you! I pray you always know how much you're loved, and wanted.

 You have already taught me so much about my need for Jesus, and the Father's great love for us. It is amazing how much our hearts can grow and love a new child, and to think that the love I have for you doesn't even scratch the surface of the love of the Father for His children, it astounds me. I love you more sweet girl, with each passing day. I am so blessed to get to call you mine.

Your siblings adore you, so much, especially Brayden...he is going to be such a great protector. And Brooklyn, well she is just thrilled to have a sister to match with and play dolls and girly things with one day (mommy is excited for all our fun girl days too). Brandt, he just calls you baby and he is warming up to you, he tries to make you laugh and I so look forward to the way in which your relationship with him will grow...I am pretty sure you will be best buds. You love them too, and they sure do entertain you, and I'm sure will continue to do so. You love your daddy, and cuddling with him each night too, melts my heart the way he looks at you and you at him.

 You are a great eater (pretty sure you've gained a good 2+lbs already! and I am loving the chubby cheeks), and a pretty good sleeper (for a newborn). You are very content when you are awake, very alert, a lot like your biggest brother, which makes naps interesting if we don't catch you at the right time, but I love that you love to see the world around you...I wonder what you are thinking. You LOVE the Christmas tree with all the lights, something so magical about having a newborn at Christmas time...I am excited for next year when you get to really enjoy it! You are strong too...already hold your head so well!

You are truly an angel baby, and we are so grateful to the Lord for protecting you and growing you this past month, and for giving us the privilege of calling you ours. We can't wait to watch you continue to grow and are so excited to see your little personality come out! We love you Brynn Everly, more than we could every express. We pray that your heart would come to love and know Jesus and that your life would bring Him so much glory! XOXO

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Happy First Birthday!

 My Sweet Baby Brandt,

Today you turn one, and I can’t believe it. People always warned me that time went fast, and although some days feel long, it truly is true, time slips away from us much quicker than we'd like. It feels like just yesterday your daddy and I (and your bro bro and sissy) were meeting you for the first time. You were the first baby to come out looking exactly like I had always pictured my child looking, blonde hair and big blue eyes. From the moment I laid eyes on you, you stole my heart. 

I don't quite remember what life was like before you were here. You fit perfectly in our family, and have added so much joy, fun, and love. You have been a dream baby, the kind of baby that makes mommy want to have more and more. Your smile is contagious, and makes us melt. And your laugh, oh that sweet little laugh, it's the best. Being the third, we thought you would be easy-going, and for the most part you are, but as you have gotten older, you have definitely made a name for yourself, and made sure that we know you are around ;). I suppose you just want your opinion heard. 

Watching your little personality develop has been so much fun. You definitely have a silly side, and love trying to make your sister and brother laugh. You love your siblings. It is SO cute to watch you play with them and I can tell already how much you look up to both of them. And they, well they adore you. You love dada too, probably has something to do with the fact that you slept on him the first three months of your life every night for your last nap, bonded you forever. But at the end of the day you are a mama's boy, and I am totally okay with that.

You are a total boy. You LOVE trucks, trains, anything with wheels really and you drive everything on the ground…SO CUTE! You love playing in the bath or with water and get so excited splashing. You enjoy going for walks (as long as you are worn in the ERGO, although as of late you’ve enjoyed the stroller), reading books, singing songs, the jumper, anything your siblings are playing with, eating, sleeping, blocks, musical instruments and being held. And you're most favorite thing to do is swing at the park on the swing. You get so excited whenever we pull up to the cute! 

 Your favorites at the moment…

Book: Goodnight Moon, Animal Sounds, Brown Bear Brown Bear, I Love You Through and Through
Songs: Jesus Loves Me, ZOOPhonics Alphabet Song, Head Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Food: Sweet Potato, Papaya, Banana, Apple, Spinach, MEAT, Yogurt, Veggie Straws, Asparagus, Spaghetti
Place: The Park or the Bath
Toy: Cars, Trucks, Trains
Words: Mama, Dada, Bath, Wawa, Papa, Nana, Hi, ByeBye, Car, Ball

This month you have grown so much, moving around everywhere and so close to walking! You try so hard, but you still haven't quite figured it out without some help pushing a toy or with a hand to hold. You're almost there baby, you'll get it! I pray each day that you would grow into a man of God. That your little heart would be captivated by the glorious news of Jesus in the gospel. That you would see your sin, and that you would be saddened by it and find hope and forgiveness in the Savior. I pray that you would love Him with ALL your heart and soul and mind. I pray that you would lead by example, and that you would serve him ALL the days of your life! You are a gem to us sweet boy, we love you more than we could ever express. We are so so thankful to the Lord for you, and the last year He entrusted to us with you, we pray for many more! We praise the Lord for all He is doing in and through you, and we rejoice over you baby boy. Happy First Brithday! You're ONE!

All my love, Mommy 

Sunday, January 8, 2017

11 Months

This is it, your final month as a baby! How are we here?! I truly feel like you were just a teeny tiny little baby curled up in my arms, but then again, at the same time, I don't quite remember what life was like without you here sweet boy. You are the perfect compliment to our sweet family, and the Lord has been so gracious in allowing us to have you as our third little one. Every day I wonder how I could love you anymore than I already do, and then my heart just continues to grow, and my love for you does too, every single day.

This month you have become so much more of a little boy to me, I look over and see you pulling yourself up on everything, standing, and can't believe how big you are getting. It is bittersweet. I love watching you explore, and learn, grow and follow your big brother and sister around as fast as your little legs will take you; but I can't lie and say I don't miss those days when slept on my chest.

You love to say mama and dada, and work so hard to say other things too. You are quiet the chatterbox when big brother and sister give you a chance to talk!

You still love baths, like LOVE them, and often crawl into the bathroom, stand up on the bath and yell baaaaaa. And the swing, you are OBSESSED! You love being outside, riding in your brother's pickup truck with him (it is the cutest thing in the world, and when we don't let you do that, you let us know how that makes you feel). You enjoy reading books, music/being sung too, playing trucks/cars/trains (anything that has wheels), crawling everywhere, eating, sleeping, balls, jumping in the jumper and on beds, animals, and are quite the mama's boy.

You get around everywhere so quickly and pull yourself up on everything (mighty proud of yourself too). I am so curious to see if you will be walking by your first birthday.

You are so sweet darling boy, a big time cuddler, and you know just how to make mommy and daddy melt over you. We treasure you, more than words could express and we pray fervently that the Lord would save your little soul, young, and that you would be used greatly for His glory. Happy 11 months little man, we can't wait to watch you grow!