Friday, July 8, 2016

5 Months

Our sweet precious Brandt is 5 months old! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this age. He is such a joy, and a lovebug. His little personality continues to develop, and I am pretty sure that he is the sweetest baby there ever was. He is looking more and more like his big brother (except for his coloring is COMPLETELY opposite!) each day.

He LOVES to talk still (waiting for him to say mama and dada), and scream (to get our attention over all the noise with his big siblings of course). He loves being outside, going for walks, watching his siblings play and trying to participate, baths, toys, sleeping, eating, being talked to, music time, patty cake and this little piggy, and cuddling. He is totally aware of mommy and daddy and familiar faces and lights up whenever he sees you...melt my heart!

He has rolled over a handful of times from front to back but I am pretty sure he regrets it every time ;). He can sit up for a little bit on his own, and I am sure will be doing it more regularly this month. He loves sucking on those hands still and bringing everything into his mouth (toes included).

He is still an EXCELLENT sleeper, SO SO thankful for that! And a great eater! He has been teething for the past few weeks and we are anxiously awaiting that tooth to pop through, because let's face it, teething is no fun for anyone :(.

I can't say how much we love this little boy, I can't imagine our life without him. I am cherishing every cuddle, every early morning feeding, and every precious moment with this little man. He is a gift  and we thank the Lord for him! Happy 5 months little baby.