Friday, December 19, 2014

Happy Half Birthday Brooklyn Grace!

Today we celebrate half a year of my baby girl's on earth are we already here?! Time, please slow down.

This past month miss Brooklyn got her first tooth (sooo cute) and number two looks like it's about to pop through any day now....goodbye toothless smiles. She is still pretty tall for her age (79%) and average for weight (45%), although she does have those adorable chubby cheeks! She loves to stand now too.

She has become much more talkative this past month, especially toward Brayden and the mirror. She makes sure to let him and us know what she does and doesn't like from him ;). But she adores him so. It is so special to watch their little bond forming and to see the love they have for each other show. I pray their love would grow deep.

We tried solids again this month and she's still not a huge fan of anything other than nursing so we will keep on trying, but honestly I don't blame her, who likes puréed fruits and veggies?!

She LOVES her daddy and lights up when he walks into the room after work and he adores her too, it's absolutely precious. I think she's already a daddy's girl.

She enjoys being outside, baths, talking, playing with big brother, putting everything in her mouth, tickles, books, being sung to, and peek a boo.

She is all girl, miss dramatic, and boy do we love her. Happy six months sweet baby girl! We pray you grow into a Godly young woman.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

5 Months and Counting

Please stop growing so quickly...that is often what I think when I look at my sweet baby girl who is now 5 months old!  I am trying as much as possible to soak up every little moment with this sweet baby girl who is changing so quickly.

The Lord gave us a girly girl, I can already tell, and I love it! From the way she smiles, to the way she flirts with her pretty little blue eyes, to how emotional she is (which she lets us know with her girlie little noises) is evidence to me that she is ALL GIRL! And can I just say that she gets cuter and cuter to me every single day...of course I am biased, but seriously, I look at her and see a living doll.

This little lady is officially sitting up (well she has been for a couple weeks now), big brother is so proud of her, and so are we.

She loves bath time, being outside, being tickled, being talked to or sung to (she wants undivided attention :)), story time, watching big brother play, the park (thanks to big brother) and walks.  She rode in the swing next to her brother for the first time this month and loved precious to see them growing up together, I pray they will be the best of friends.

She is growing like a weed, tall and still much more lean than big brother was, but shes still got some rolls and those big cheeks which are to die for! She still is a short napper most of the time, just like her brother was, but she is starting to sleep for longer stretches at night...YAY!

She loves her toes, just like her big brother did. Who knew feet could be so exciting! Although she puts anything and everything she can get her little hands on in her mouth, which makes me think not only is she learning, but teething now too.  Poor little lady.

She is just the sweetest thing and we all love her to pieces. Praying fervently that she would love Jesus with her whole heart!  Happy 5 months doll!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Brooklyn-4 Months

Here we are again, another month, another set of milestones...can somebody stop time for just a moment.  I LOVE this age.  Brooklyn is so much fun, and just gets more fun as the days go by.  She is the sweetest little thing, and our little doll.

This month she started laughing, not a belly laugh yet, but giggles, and it is the cutest thing ever.  All the sleepless nights are worth hearing that laugh.  Isn't it amazing how much joy a child's laugh brings to your heart?! And coupled with those laughs is this silly tongue smile that keeps us smiling.  Every time she spots me across the room (she's constantly following my every move), she gets the biggest grin on her face, from ear to ear.  It melts this mommy's heart.  And she talks quite a bit too, just TOO cute, especially now that she makes the "mmmm" sound (I think she might be saying mama?! ;)) This picture below is her saying just that!

She wants SO badly to sit up on her own.  We have to make sure she's always strapped into her swing or bouncer seat because if she isn't sitting up, she is trying to.  I'm sure it won't be too long before she can do it on her own.  And tummy time has become much more tolerable for this little girl.

She has become more engaged with her brother and it is precious, she talks to him often, and he is becoming more and more eager to play with her...soon enough! Here she is watching him play in the sand at the of her favorite things to do.

She continues to grow, she is super tall and putting on weight healthily.  Her chubby cheeks are the best and those big blue eyes capture our hearts.

Her favorite things are being outside, sitting, smiling, talking, reading, being sung to, observing her brother, and her turtle and giraffe toys.

We love this little girl so very much and pray often that her heart would be soft to the Gospel.  Happy 4 months sweet girl!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Little Miss- 3 Months!

This has been quite the month for our little girl.  She has grown a lot (we are loving her chubby cheeks) in so many ways!

She is a chatterbox, and makes sure we know she is there.  She LOVES talking and is quite dramatic.

She is a smiley girl which makes me think she is a pretty happy baby (YAY, the first 10 weeks were much more fussy).  We are thankful for those smiles, and think the fact that she sticks her little tongue out in most of them is just too cute.

She still isn't a big fan of tummy time...  I liken that exercise to us doing "superman" ab exercises, tough and not fun.

I'm not quite sure who her favorite person is.  She lights up when she sees her daddy *melt my heart*, and loves her big brother, but loves talking to mommy too. She is just a sweetheart. She loves being held and gets the cutest puppy dog sad face when she wants you to pick her up.

She's sucking her hands like crazy and grabs her feet all the time.

Her little personality is starting to show and it is oh so precious. She is such a girl! We love you doll , more every day! 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Our Little Lady is 2 Months Young!

This month has flown by (again)! We can't believe our little lady is already 2 months old.  This month was full of smiles :)!  There is something so rewarding and sweet about a baby's smile, it makes all those hard moments so worth it. They smile at you and it is as if they are saying, "I love you"! And as of the last week or so we have had some talking start too which is just so precious, she tries so hard to tell us just what she is thinking!  Soon enough she will be cooing away...we can't wait to hear that little voice talk more and more!!

She still loves being held, and rocked, but who wouldn't?! She requires a lot of sleep (like her mommy) and most of the time, once she is asleep she sleeps well, getting there can sometimes be a challenge for this sweet girl, she is just very aware just like her big brother.  She isn't sleeping through the night (although she slept for 5 hours straight once and that was glorious for mommy and daddy haha) so we will be working on that soon, but all in time.

Watching her brother play, admiring the fan, looking at and talking to mommy and daddy, looking at her zebra, reading books, hearing mommy sing, music, and being outside are just a few of her favorite things. We have started reading books to her this month and sure hope she loves to read just as much as her brother does.

She went to church for the first time earlier this month and did great, slept the whole time :).

She has rolled over from tummy to back three times, I'm not sure she knows what she is doing, but she isn't a huge fan of tummy time so she's found a way to get out of it those few times ;).

She is so fun to dress up, she is like a living doll :). I can't get enough of her cuteness.

We love this little girl so very much, she is such a blessing to our family.  We are so grateful for the 2 months we have had with her and are excited for many more, and continuing to watch her grow.  We continue to pray and hope that she would most importantly grow to love our precious Lord.

Happy 2 Months Doll!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Miss Brooklyn Grace-One Month

I can't believe our little girl has been with us for a month now...time really does fly.  It is amazing to watch your little ones grow and change, especially in the first few months, because it happens so quickly.  I look at little Brooklyn today and she looks  quite different then she did just one short month ago.

People always say with your second "you forget"...meaning you don't have the time to record every memory and milestone because you are so crazy busy with two now, and although I am crazy busy (CRAZY), I really want to make it a point to record as often and as much as I can so I don't forget all the precious moments in this sweet girl's life.

So what is she up to at one month old?? Well, she went from sleeping more than I could have ever thought a baby could sleep (the first week and half or so), to finding out that being awake is a lot more fun then sleeping ;).  She still seems to require more sleep than Brayden, but she is just as alert when she is awake and it is so fun to watch her examine everything around her...I wonder what she is thinking?!

She is a GOOD eater, like her brother, and eats quite often.  I am curious to see how much she has gained at her appointment next week.  I wonder if she will be in the 90%tiles like her brother was.

She smiles quite often in her sleep and even sometimes when she is awake, and mommy got one real smile, we have yet to see some more! We cannot wait for that :)!!!!

And she is ALL girl.  How do I know this?! Ha, well she is high maintenance and well, aren't all girls, at least the girly ones?!

She recognizes mommy's voice, and loves when we sing to her, hold her, and rock her.  She loves her special time with daddy every night...I can't wait to see that bond grow, there is something so special about daddys and daughters.

Her big brother adores her, he often asks to hold her, kiss her or hold her hand...too sweet.  I can't wait to see how their friendship blossoms as they get older, being 17 months apart will give them a sweet bond!

This month has been the biggest transition for all of us and we are so grateful for the Lord's constant provision of grace and strength as mommy and daddy have two littles now instead of just one.  We are so excited to see how the Lord grows little miss Brooklyn and pray that she would be great in His kingdom.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Being Faithful

A lot of people decide on a "word" each year that they believe He will use for His glory and their good. From faith to kindness, I have seen the Lord work in many of my friends lives in great ways as they have pursued Him with their whole hearts and as the Spirit has continued to transform them into the likeness of Jesus.  

Although I don't chose a word for each year, I do believe that there is constantly something that the Lord is teaching us and growing us in.  For me, that is faithfulness.  I have found myself called to fulfill many roles: a daughter of the living God, a wife, a mother, a friend. And quite honestly, sometimes it is hard to be faithful to all of those roles without letting some of them get "second best".  Last year, as a new mom, it was really easy to give both the Lord and my husband my leftovers as I felt like I had given my best, and all I had to being my son's mother.  As the year went on, I found myself convicted by the fact that I had prioritized my roles incorrectly at times.  Instead of mother, wife, and believer, it should have been believer, wife and then mother.

The Lord never calls us to anything that He won't equip us to fulfill/do, and if He has called me to be all of these things, and to be faithful to all of these roles, He will surely enable me to do them.  The problem seems to arise, when I depend on my own strength to fulfill these roles faithfully rather than on Him.  If I am obedient to seeking Him first, and growing in my love for Him, then I can be certain that He will provide me with the grace, strength, ability, time, and motivation to do the rest. 

I recently read a blog that a man wrote about his grandfather, and the legacy he left behind.  The man was faithful, not because he did BIG things in the eyes of the world, or even the church, but because He was faithful to the roles he had been given for all 80 some years of his life.  He had been faithful to put Christ first, and then to love and serve others.  And as he left this earth and entered into the courts of the King, I am sure he heard "well done, my good and faithful servant".  What beautiful words- ones we all should long to hear from our Master.

As I prepare to go from a mommy to one, to two just 17 months apart, I know that I will be faced with the challenge to be faithful yet again, faithful to all that the Lord has called me to be and do.  But what I am learning is that as I seek Him, He seeks to equip me.  He is the one watching, and it is only his eyes that see it all, and matter.  And He will never call me where He won't provide, lead, and carry. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

One Year Young!

I can't believe the time has already come to celebrate our little man's first year of life! This past year has been nothing short of incredible. We have seen creation first hand and the Lord's grace, faithfulness, and goodness through this little life.  It has been the best year of our lives thus far, and we are so grateful for the gift of this little boy.

We celebrated Brayden this weekend and it was so much fun! I can't wait to get the pictures back and post them!

So what is this little man up to at 12 months, 1 year?!  A lot!

Earlier this month he mastered standing, getting up and down on his own, and he is SO proud of himself for it.  We started cheering for him (clapping and saying yay) to try and encourage him to stay up because he is so cautious and to take steps, and so now he cheers for himself when he stands (which is all the time).  He also took some steps this month which was so exciting, walking I'm sure is just around the corner!  He is just very cautious at the moment about the whole idea, haha.

He talks SO much.  He can say 20+ words, and he surprises us almost daily with new words when we ask him to say something.  It is SO cute to hear him talk.  He has started saying "what's that" and pointing to most everything--SO SO adorable!

He loves to dance to music, so funny to watch, and of course so cute.  He loves being outside doing anything, playing in the water, playing ball, exploring, playing in the sand, going to the park, going for a walk...he could be outside 24/7.  And he loves balls, bubbles, balloons, and blocks (something about the letter "b"?!).  

He loves other kids, especially kids who are a few years older than him, watching them is just so exciting.  

He is still a mama's boy which I absolutely adore.  Hearing him call for me, never gets old. And he has gotten more and more cuddly lately which is the best!

His top molars popped through right before his first birthday, so he officially has 10 teeth, with 2 more on the way (I think).  And is still in both the 90% for weight and height.  He eats great and sleeps well (most of the time :)). 

He is just so much fun right now, we are loving every second.  And we are so excited to see what the Lord does in his life this second year!!  Happy first birthday sweetness, you stole our hearts, and do everyday! 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Mommy Lessons After 12 Months

This upcoming Monday marks one year since we met Brayden face to face, one year that we've officially been parents.  People always tell you that time goes by so fast, that they grow up in a blink, and it really is true.  As much as I love every stage that Brayden has come across so far, there have been countless times I have wished for a pause button. The last year has been, for me, the most sanctifying year of my life, but with that, the most richly blessed.  I have experienced the sustaining grace of God in real and tangible ways every single day, and have been blessed with seeing His love and His faithfulness continually.  

As sit and reflect on the last year, looking through photos of my sweet baby "growing up", and remembering the hard times and the ones filled with pure joy, I am humbled by the goodness of our great God.  He truly gives His children far more than we deserve.  The fact that He allows us to parent, that He would entrust to us these little lives, is a pure gift.  Psalm 127:3 says, "Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward."  

In the last 12 months I've learned a lot, about the Lord, about myself, about my marriage, about being a wife and a are just a few

Wholly Dependent
We are, whether we realize it or not, wholly dependent upon the Lord for ALL things. Psalm 37:5 says, "Depend on the Lord; trust him, and he will take care of you." Sleep deprivation, the unknowns of parenting, working through solutions with your husband, and trusting Him through a new pregnancy again...these 12 months have given me a new realization, daily, of my total dependence on Him for ALL things.

Be ALL There
I am a planner, a think-aheader (yes, I know that isn't a word).  And because of this, I tend to fail to "stop and smell the roses".  Having a child has taught me to slow down, way down, to realize that it is okay if the laundry doesn't get done that very moment, if I don't get ready when I want to get ready, or if eating lunch takes an extra ten minutes because someone wants to learn to feed themselves.  Ephesians 5 reminds us to "make the best use of our time"...sometimes this is to just enjoy your children, and the moment. 

You Learn Something New Everyday
Children aren't robots (my husband graciously reminds me of this often), and because of that, schedules aren't always going to work, days aren't going to be the same, and sometimes you might not be able to figure out just what is causing that upset little pout.  The Lord desires teachable hearts, and this is an area I am growing in.  Pride easily steps in to make me believe that I know it all, or I can fix every solution, but the reality is, I am learning, and going to be learning until the day I go home and am made like Christ.  I will never master the ability to be the "perfect" Christian, wife, mother, daughter, and friend...and that shouldn't even be my goal.  Instead I should be striving to learn more of Him each day through every moment, and seek to be used to glorify Him, which often means, being at a loss for what to do in a moment and having to get on my knees and pray, and trust that He is in control.

God, Husband, Children
This is a tough one.  Finding time to have with the Lord, especially in those first few months, is tough.  But the truth is, if I don't keep my priorities aligned, everything else gets messed up.  I can't be a good mother, if I am not a good wife, and most importantly a faithful lover of Jesus.  I am learning how to balance it all, and His grace has carried me through.  I am finding myself reminded that there is no formula, or list that you have to check-off each day in order to get a star for "Excellent Believer", "Great Wife", or "Good Mommy", but rather a willing happy heart, diligent effort, and grace upon grace. 

Don't Compare
Every kid is different, every mom is different, every marriage is different...don't compare.  It was so hard for me in the early months of this year not to wonder what I was doing wrong when Brayden didn't do what so and so's kid did at such and such an age.  But the Lord used this to teach me a vital lesson in Truth, your child was made to sanctify YOU, and through that to bring Him glory.  Therefore, start trusting Him, and stop comparing.  I may not be the pinterest or diy queen, make gourmet meals every night, or have time to clean like I would like every day, but my heart must be focused on the eternal, what will matter in the end?  What precious God moments might I miss when I focus on what is fleeting?  I am called to be Vanessa, the woman God made me to be, to bring Him the most glory in what He has called me to do...that is all, stop comparing.

The last 12 months have been amazing, I am so thankful, and I know the next 12 will be filled with more sanctification, joy and grace.  I am excited to continue to watch the Lord work, and pray He would continue to grow me into the woman that pleases Him!